We need climate action and we need it fast. Communities can be a powerful tool for change, and with the many bright, entrepreneurial minds in our community we believe we can really make a difference.
That’s why in 2018, we joined forces with Climate KIC to research how we can best design a community that harnesses the potential of so many climate innovators and empowers them to take action.
2019 will kick-off the start of the process of designing a new movement for climate action. This movement is open for all, driven by bottom-up action and knows no hierarchical structure. Its goal is to reinvent how communities can be empowered for climate action. One of the outcomes of this initial research was the creation of the community vision.
We use this vision as a framework to continue the development process. We are learning about community engagement and collective impact through experiments, events and projects run with, by and for community members.
Climate KIC has been testing a new exciting community tool over the past few months, Exaptive. This platform allows people to connect and opens up new opportunities to work together to achieve systems change. Through Exaptive our community can stay in touch and bring alumni projects to the next level.
How does it work?
The tool allows you to build transparency among our projects and opens up new opportunities. It can help you find projects as well as coworkers or community members with the skills missing from your team. All you need to is to register yourself, create your profile and share your projects with the other community members. Start using Exaptive now and find the right people to kickstart your projects!
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After an intense but exciting past year, it’s nice to start 2019 with some exciting projects.
Starting Point
Looking forward to 2019 and beyond, a small team of Climate-KIC alumni and Climate-KIC staff are working on a redevelopment of the CKIC Alumni Association.